Reiki activates healing energy to help the body restore itself. It is a technique from Japan that promotes deep relaxation and well being. People seek it to manage stress, gain clarity, feel more confident and centered, and to help with overall health.

Research: Reiki has recently begun being offered at various hospitals for patient care. In the Jourdan of American College of Cardiology, September 2010 edition, a study from Yale University published a study on Reiki and heart attack recovery. Three groups were studied… One had uniterrupted rest. The second listened to relaxing classical music, and the 3rd received a 20 minute Reiki treatment from trained staff. Of the three, the reiki group experienced a more relaxed mood and improved heart rate variability. Other studies of Reiki illuminate pain reduction in the treatment of fibromyalgia, chemotherapy, coronary artery bypass surgery, HIV, mild Alzheimer’s disease, and well being in hospice care & psychotherapy.

What you will experience in a session: 

You will be invited to lay on a massage table as I do the Reiki with my hands raised slightly above your body. It is transmitted through light contact, with the hands held above the body or across a room. Reiki will flow and work where and how it's needed. Be open to feeling, to love, to healing. Be open to accept the energy and release what you need to release. It feels healing, loving, and deeply relaxing. Some clients have reported that it feels more relaxing than a massage.

Offered on Fridays, Saturday, & Sunday in Littleton & Castle Rock: 


$80 for 50 minutes

$120 for 80 minutes